Wednesday, March 5, 2014

March 5, 1864 – Richmond Orders Blockade Runners to Carry War Goods

This day 150 years ago in Rebel Raiders’ History

-Dedicated to Civil War episodes, battles, people and ships that also appear in my game, GMT’s Rebel Raiders on the High Seas.

March 5, 1864Richmond Orders Blockade Runners to Carry War Goods

Historical Event:  On March 5, 1864 the Confederate Government ordered that forthwith all Blockade Runners must devote at least half of their cargo space to war materials – which could include beef, grain or other desperately needed foodstuffs.   While some Blockade Runners did voluntarily or under government contract pack their holds with weapons, munitions and the engines and armor needed to build ironclads, most continued to bring in luxury goods, as these made for much bigger profits.  Ships carrying such goods often made back the cost of the ship by their second run through the blockade.  By March of 1864, however, the Confederacy was starving and in desperate need of weapons to replace those that had been lost in the crucial defeats of 1863.  By this measure Richmond hoped that the Blockade Runners would ensure a steady flow of the food and military supplies needed to carry on the war, while continuing to remain a lucrative enough of an opportunity to convince investors to keep outfitting such ships.

Game Connection:  In Rebel Raiders on the High Seas, Blockade Runners load up Cargo abroad and bring it back for Victory Points.  These Victory Points are used to satisfy the Supply attrition requirements and can be traded in to buy more Blockade Runners, Raiders, Gunboats, and even Ironclads, as well as Batteries, Counterattacks and additional Cards from the deck.   In addition to generic ships, many of the more famous Blockade Runners appear in the game. There also are cards that grant bonuses to increase the number and value of those Cargo markers.  

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